Freezer container with prayer kneeler.
Contenedor congelador con reclinatorio para orar.
Oratorio Is a work that talks about semantical schemes about the sensitive and poetic. The prayer as an overload, as a ghost that inhabits us. And the relation between the temperature with the prayer action as a complex ritual that links the mind with the body. As long as you get deeper into the corridor, the cold will increase until it becomes 0º. Where the light and the prayer stool is placed to use it or to contemplate it.
Oratorio es una obra que habla de esquemas semánticos sobre lo sensible y lo poético. La oración como sobrecarga, como fantasma que nos habita. Y la relación de la temperatura con la acción de la oración como un ritual complejo que vincula la mente con el cuerpo. A medida que te adentras en el pasillo, el frío aumentará hasta llegar a los 0º. Donde está el taburete de oración y la luz, para usarlo o para contemplarlo.
The work was produced for the solo exhibition “MANIFIESTO”, curated by Edith Medina
EX TERESA ARTE ACTUAL. Director: Ivan Edeza / Subdirection, Research, Schedule:Sofía Carrillo Herrerías / Direction Assistent:Lilia Díaz / Curatorship and Educational Services: Pedro Ortiz Antoranz / Public Relations and Communication: Sandra Sandoval Flores / Documentation Center: Maribel Escobar Varillas / Documentation Center Assistant: Esperanza Rocha Perez / Edition and Register: Gerardo Sanchez Aguilera / Production Chief: Jorge Palacios Valencia / Production: Carlos Padró de la Rosa, César Cortés Hernández // Messages: Sergio Mauricio Islas García, Antonio Mendoza Audelo / Security Chief: Gerardo Zepeda / Security: Rosa Isela Monares González, María del Rosario Botello Olmedo, Angélica Hernández Álvarado, María Marcela Pérez Sánchez, Isidra Pérez Villegas.
Special Acknowledgments. Design: The Fire Theory / Photo: Regiones en Expansión/ The Fire Theory / Production and Mounting: Regiones en Expansión/ The Fire Theory / Press: The Fire Theory.
Manifiesto memoir.